Non Free School Meals
In line with Department for Education guidelines, the HAF Programme is primarily for children in receipt of benefits related Free School Meals. Some providers will offer a limited number of places available for non-FSM children who would otherwise be considered vulnerable, however due to overall capacity of the programme, these places are limited and not guaranteed.
Examples of children who might be able to register are:
Those receiving free school meals from households with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF​)
Children and young people aged 5 – 16 with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and/or children and young people aged 5–16 with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) or additional needs,
​Children aged 5 – 16 known to local children's services within the last three months.
If you want to register for HAF but are not eligible for Free School Meals (FSM), you will need to apply via Booking Lab and tick ‘no’ where it asks you about FSM. You will then be asked to provide:
- A short explanation of why the children in your family would benefit from accessing HAF provision.
- The name and contact details of a professional* who knows your family circumstances well and has agreed to support a referral
The professional will then be contacted and if your request is approved you will then be able to register for activities.
*Examples of appropriate professionals would include, School SENCO, School Nurse, Health Visitor, Paediatrician GP, Occupational Therapist, Social Worker, Family Support Worker, Youth Justice Worker, Youth Worker.
For more information around more activities for non-FSM eligible children with SEND, please visit the local offer